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  • The game dev business handbook.
    You might know about running other businesses already. This book is aimed at game developers / makers who don’t know about business but want to set up their own game development business/studio. The book has insights and advice from industry veterans, so definitely worth a read.


I generally learn a lot as I have to from searching the web for documentation, tutorials, online courses and youtube how-to videos. I prefer reading text and trying to code it myself. As such, here are two awesome websites to get your feet wet in gamedev programming.


Also, Wikipedia is your friend for learning the meaning of computer science and software development terms, design patterns and practices.

There are a couple of books I recommend to use as reference, or read and just think about for a while.:

  • Design Patterns by the gang of four, and/or Game Programming Patterns by Robert Nystrom.
  • Pragmattic Programmer
  • Programming Game AI by Example


Books. There are many books on game design. Here’s a few to get you started.

Simulation Games that teach you stuff while being fun to play with

Definitely check out all of her “Explorable Explainations” projects. Perhaps you could hire her as a contractor to make your game for you!

Random game dev stuff